In this project, our group decided to choose sharpener as the object for the study.
I majorly focussed on the below shown sharpener throughout most of the project.
How the form of an object is driven by the functional and emotional needs of its user?
During my study, I learnt that the form of an object has always been influenced either by it's emotional or by both emotional and functional needs. There are several examples that suggests this:
Functional and emotional needs example: The big sharpener known as Styloxynon was replaced with a smaller, conical shaped sharpener known as the Prism sharpener because this new form was more easier to handle. It also helped to create a more sharper and longer tip. The new form added to the usability of the product by making it more easier to handle and store, therefore satisfying the the emotional needs of the user.
Sometimes changes were brought into the form purely based on emotional needs only. These changes did not add much to the function. An example of this is mentioned below:
Emotional need example: The Die-cast sharpeners were made in various forms resembling different objects. These forms did not add to its function and was mostly intended to influence the emotions of it's user. Some of the most valuable ones were the old cash register shapes (first image), which tells of a bygone era of country stores and clerks who rang one out manually.
Reflection on Teamwork:
Through the duration of the project there were a lot of tasks that required collaborative efforts. during these task I noticed a lot of advantages of working in a group. Some of them were as follows:
The requirement of working in a group resulted in a lot of discussions which exposed me to a lot of different perspectives and understandings. This in turn resulted in a more deeper study of my object.
(Evidence of collaborative effort:)
For example, these discussions helped a lot especially when we were trying to answer the the 5 W's and 1H while creating the time-line.
Group work also helped me overcome one major barrier that I was facing in the previous term, which was the constant avoidance of interaction with my peers and tutors. This project helped me overcome this fear and also helped me get to know more people.
(Goal tracker)
I felt more encouraged and motivated to work. Constant interaction regarding the project and the object helped me engage more into the project and avoid many distractions. I also felt less exhausted in the end because of division of work.
Group work also resulted in gathering of more information within a shorter span of time and with lesser effort.
(Group reference list)
Reflecting on methods of inquiry:
During the project, I had to rely on both primary and secondary resources in order to conduct a study of my object.
Use of Primary resources:
1. In one of the task in the project, we had to gather data by relying on primary resources by conducting interviews.
This technique helped in getting a proper detailed understanding about the user-object association which would have not been possible through secondary resources.
2. During the ergonomics study also, we had to rely on primary resources.
For this task, using primary resources helped to study the chosen object in it's natural environment which was necessary in order to have a proper study.
Primary resources provide first-hand evidence of an event or object. These types of resources can be very helpful during certain parts of the research.
This method is useful when trying understand relation with an object, person etc. For example, while conducting an ergonomics study, aspects like usability interaction etc, can only be studied by directly observing the subject.
In primary resources, data is received directly from the source and is not transferred from person to person or from one medium to another. This means that there is less scope for misinterpretations and misunderstandings.
Secondary resources are can be beneficial in the below mentioned areas:
Often secondary resources help in filling in the gaps in the information received from primary resources.
This availability of resources also help in expanding the study which is not possible when using only primary resources.
Certain information, especially data like historical evidences etc, are not directly accessible. In such situations one can only rely on secondary resources.
How did the various activities undertaken during this project help you to work on other activities?
During the project there were several times when I had to refer to understandings made during the previous task.
For example, the observations made in the the form study was useful when I was recreating the form of my object in Task 5.
Similarly, I kept referring to my process and social attributes done during Slice and Dice, while expanding my stake holder map.
Reflecting on the application of visual tools & techniques:
Least effective:
I struggled when it came to presenting my stakeholder map in a clear and visually pleasing manner. During feed backs giving sessions, I was suggested to look more closely into my colour choices because the blue arrows were rather distracting and the text was not clear because of the colour.
As per the feedbacks I changed the colour of the arrows to black. I also added some information to my map. However, I later realised that this added information ended up making my map more confusing and hard to read.
I couldn't fix this problem because I was afraid I might fall behind with my other tasks. This helped me realise how important learning to pick out the most important information and to present them in a clear, clean and crisp manner is.
Most effective:
User-Object association, Material mind-map (digital).
In the above shown posters I was able to communicate all the important information without overcrowding the given space unlike in my stake-holder map.
I was also able to avoid large paragraphs in these two visual communications.
Due to these reasons, I feel that the above shown comic and mind-map were the most effective one.
I did come across some benefits while using the various techniques that was introduced to us during the project. Some of them are as follows:
I feel the study of the evolution of my object was made systematic through a timeline.
Since the time periods were the base on which data was found. It was more easier to study the social context in which that change/development took place.
(Example for point 2:)
It was also more easier to understand the patterns and relations of one development with another.
(In the above example for point 3, It could seen how from the process of Pressure-flaking the invention of a pencil led to the need for a more safer, faster and easier way to sharpen which led to the invention of the first sharpener.)
Interacting with user:
Interacting with the user gave me new perspectives regarding my object.
For example, before the interview, I was not sure about how emotional connect could come as a factor for my object. But during the interaction, when I asked about this aspect, the person responded by saying that he was indeed emotionally connected to his sharpener because in his family he and his sister had their own sharpeners and they normally used their own. There is always a sense of belonging even when it comes to a sharpener. He even mentioned how he would often refuse to share his sharpener with his sister.
This interaction also helped me refine my list of factors in the end of the project.
Observational drawing:
Form study revealed a lot aspect that helped me in my later study.
For example, during the form study, I had noticed how the body of the sharpener which was made with metal was easily pliable whereas the blade which was also made with metal was a lot more stronger and not easily bendable. This observation helped me while I was trying to identify the material with which the sharpener was made.
What role does material play in the design of an object?
Self Reflection:
The way the project was delivered also contributed a lot to my understandings.
It revealed the basic process that might be involved while designing any product. starting with surface level analysis (of identifying variety, applying Slice and Dice to the object, creating a stakeholder map, trying to describe or define the object).
(Slice and Dice, Identifying available variety, Stake-holder map, pre-work)
Then looking into the past, creating a timeline to understand the patterns in which that particular product has evolved, the social context in which these changes have taken place, the relation with other innovations, the factors that are influencing it's design etc.
(Sharpener time-line, time line (Culmination), Factors list (individual and group)
Then later on moving into the study of the form through observational drawings and by recreating the form of the object by making a model of it, studying the material, studying the ergonomics of the product etc.
(Material mind-map, Ergonomic study, Task 5 - Part B, Form study.)
Then using primary resources like interview, observation etc, to understand the relation/association of the users with that particular object.
(Selection of users, Record of responses, Questionnaire draft, factors list (factors affecting consumer behaviour), User-object association comic.)
Lastly, looking at all the data found, analysing the data, discussing and then coming to a conclusion for the study. In this case, we finally focussed on the factors that were influencing the study of the object.
[Factors list (individual and group), Section list, Final list].
Throughout the entire project there was always a feeling of a more collaborative rather than an isolated effort. Even though many of the task was based on individual efforts, there was always constant discussions between my peers and tutors. Giving review on a common platform also helped. This practice helped in exposing me to my peer's works and getting inspired by them. It also motivated me to work more.
Throughout the duration of this project, I was able to realise some of my strengths. They are as follows:
I realised that one of my strengths was the willingness to work and stay motivated. I was also able to make an attempt to improve on areas where I struggled with the guidance of my tutors and through practice.
(Form study)
Another area which had been a struggle during term 1 turned out to be strength during this project. I was able to communicate more frequently and engage more in discussions during this project.
During the project there were many areas where I struggled. Some of these areas are mentioned below:
One of the areas where I struggled was in the form study in which we had to create isometric drawings of our object in various angles and in exploded view.
In my first attempt I was struggling to get my isometric circle right. Therefore, I tried drawing isometric circles and cylinders.
I then tried drawing the form again.
It was pointed out again that I had still not got the circles right. However I had to move on with my other tasks. I did one last try several days later. This drawing was definitely an improvement from the earlier ones I had made.
I was able to improve slightly through practice and from the guidance provided by my tutors. However I still have a long way to go to reach to the desired expectations.
Another area where I struggled was when it came to presenting my information in a clear and visually pleasing manner. I later realised that this problem was occurring because I was trying to present all the information I had instead of picking out the most important ones out of what I had.
I did try to improve on this by listening to feedbacks from tutors and sometimes from suggestions given by my peers and group members.
I also struggled in observing my object. Often I missed out a lot of important details regarding my sharpener. This was especially evident during the form study of my object.
(The threads of the screw were not accurate; The base of the conical portion of the sharpener must be slightly more than half a circle. However, in the drawing this aspect is not captured accurately; The cylinder is not accurate.)
Again in order to improve on this, I listened to feedbacks provided by my tutors and my peers and tried practicing more.
I also struggled when it came to communicating through the use of colours. After my first attempt in using colours during the creation of the stake-holder map, I avoided or used minimum colours in my later presentations (timeline, ergonomics study material mind-map etc.).
I did make another attempt to use colours to communicate during my User-object association comic. While making this attempt, I took a more theoretical approach
My biggest take away from this whole project is that,
Design is not just about the final outcome, it is instead more about the process taken to reach that outcome.